Do I have to belong to your denomination to attend?
No. We are a “patchwork” church – people with different church backgrounds “woven together” by God’s grace.
Do you have to dress up to attend your worship service?
No. Dressing up is not a requirement to worship at Dawsey. Some do wear their “Sunday best” but you’re also likely to see someone in slacks and a casual shirt, or even jeans. We believe the most important part about Sunday morning is showing up, ready to worship God.
What kind of things do you do in your worship service?
We strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere at Dawsey. We greet each other so everyone feels welcomed; we share announcements and church news; we sing and listen to our choir perform beautiful music; we share the congregation’s joys and concerns and lift them to God in prayer; we read the Bible and talk about it through the sermon; we collect an offering to further God’s work; and we take communion quarterly.
Can a visitor take communion?
Yes! We take communion once a quarter as a tangible reminder of God’s gift to us in Jesus Christ. We believe in open communion – anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is welcome to take communion, whether they are a church member or not.
What kind of spiritual growth opportunities do you offer?
Sunday School classes for children, youth, and adults meet at 9:45 on Sunday morning before the Worship Service at 11:00. We also offer a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship outside of Sunday morning through groups like our Men's Ministry, Women’s Ministry, and Music Ministry. Visit the Ministries Tab to learn more.
With whom do I talk if I want to know more?
We would love to answer any questions you may have about Dawsey. If you didn’t find what you were looking for on our website, please send us a message here.